Vanessa Duran
July 04, 2024


Listen to Lauren Bliss explain everything you need to know about Pound Cake

get to know us

get to know us

Vanessa Duran

Listen to Lauren Bliss explain everything you need to know about Pound Cake

get to know us

Vanessa Duran

Listen to Lauren Bliss explain everything you need to know about Pound Cake

A Conversation with Linasha Kotalawala (@Linnygd)

A Conversation with Linasha Kotalawala (@Linnygd)

Vanessa Duran

On Colorism I still get triggered when I hear about stories about colourism and then I have to think about, you know, the things that happen to me and still...

A Conversation with Linasha Kotalawala (@Linnygd)

Vanessa Duran

On Colorism I still get triggered when I hear about stories about colourism and then I have to think about, you know, the things that happen to me and still happen to me actually. Growing up as someo...